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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » 赤沙印記@四葉草.2電視劇原聲大碟 赤沙印記@四葉草.2電視劇原聲大碟 » 赤沙印記@四葉草.2電視劇原聲大碟 » If - Bread

歌 手: 赤沙印記@四葉草.2電視劇原聲大碟 (赤沙印記@四葉草.2電視劇原聲大碟)

歌 曲: If - Bread (專 輯:赤沙印記@四葉草.2電視劇原聲大碟)

上傳會員: Kwan∼

日 期: 2004 - 12

歌 詞
曲:David Gates | 詞:David Gates | 編:Bruce Welch/John Farrar  
If I were a swan I'd be gone
If I were a train I'd be late
And if I were a good man
I'd talk with you more often than I do

If I were asleep I could dream
If I were afraid I could hide
If I go insane
Please don't put your wires in my brain

If I were the moon I'd be cool
If I were a rule I would bend
If I were a good man
I'd understand the spaces between friends

If I were alone I would cry
And if I were with you I'd be home and dry
And if I go insane
Will you still let me join in with the game

If I were a swan I'd be gone
If I were a train I'd be late again
And if I were a good man
I'd talk with you more often than I do  

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